Friday, January 30, 2009


Noah: I was texting with a friend of mine last night
and instead of saying totes for totally I said toto

me: omg, i love that more!

Noah: I know
it's gret

me: toto gret!


i'm addicted to coining words on urban dictionary.

click here for the definition of secsies.

p.s. random question: is it weird that i always put on my fancy socks when i go to the crotch doctor? no need to answer that, i know it's weird.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

my dick

having a bad work day? this song is guaranteed to jump start your day and put a smile on your face.

it's also been scientifically proven to temporarily lift the unemployment blues. 9 out of 10 scientists recommend listening to this song in the morning.

listen here

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

we went through hell just to get to hell

this is probably the saddest thing anyone has ever said to me:

"that's okay, melinda. i didn't starve in concentration camp and i won't starve here. my name is [name removed for privacy purposes] and i always tell the truth."

- said by 90 something year old woman who has dementia and is convinced people aren't feeding her (when in reality she forgets that she's had food).

it got me thinking about how our memories are stored in our brain. why is it that people with dementia or alzheimers can remember very detailed things about the distant past but they can't remember that they ate 5 minutes ago? sadly, the concentration camp thing is true, but the current belief that she's starving in the care facility is not. you'd think that she would be sad about this, but she said in her cute accent that she feels very peaceful here (and that she's not worried about starving). we looked at pictures of her adopted granddaughter to take her mind off of the non-existent food.

/random post

Thursday, January 8, 2009

best news ever

i just found out that we are working with a school in california called, get this, arnold schwarzenegger elementary school. how jealous am i of those kids at arnold schwarzenegger elementary school? let me put it this way -- i ranked kindergarten cop 5 stars on the netflix scale, and i don't dole out those high ratings too often.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

re: deathversary

let it be known that i have officially coined the term deathversary on you can view the definition here:

Saturday, January 3, 2009


i actually think of tomorrow as her deathversary, but i suppose that technically it's today. perhaps at this very minute at this very hour, who knows. all i know is that january 4th was the worst day ever. and i don't feel like sharing that story.

rest in fucking peace, n fucking j. i drink in your honor tonight, sans smoke.

social networking

i told myself i would never join facebook. it was the last frontier in social networking that had been left unexplored by me. friends begged and pleaded, co-workers asked me everyday if i had joined. my reply was always "oh HEllll no" because i felt content being an elitist. well, my friends, it seems 2k9 has turned a new leaf for melinda. i found out that my dad had joined facebook and i simply could not allow him to be more advanced in social networking than myself. so yesterday i buckled down, wiped away a tear, and joined this strange new world. we'll see how long this lasts.