Monday, October 20, 2008

pigoons, genetics, etc.

i've been thinking about genetics a lot lately. this is due largely in part to me being completely engulfed in the novel, oryx and crake, by margaret atwood. i've also been reading articles online about people participating in the human genome project, projecting their entire DNA online for all to see without any anonymity. i foresee scary problems with this, but i will hold that rant inside for now. lets just say that the pigoons and rakunks from atwood's novel are not an impossibility. computers are even moving towards the DNA age, as people desire faster "super computers" that can process data more rapidly. it's weird to think that future computers will be comprised of the building blocks of life. strange days are ahead of us.

my aunt was recently asked to participate in a genetic research study because she's had both melanoma and breast cancer and her father and mother both died of cancer. i guess i'm just wondering if her 3 children will ever be involved in this study, and what are the implications of this research. i would hate for them to be discriminated against based on genetics. i would also hate for her children to live in fear for the rest of their lives, constantly wondering if cancer has overtaken their bodies. i'm also selfishly concerned now that my mother has been diagnosed with cancer. will they want to analyze our entire family? would i want to know if i have inherited these genes? ignorance is bliss, as they say. but what if knowing this information could save someone's life. hmmm.

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