Thursday, September 11, 2008

sarah palin is a cunt

sarah palin is a cunt rag, plain and simple. as far as i'm concerned, she is not a real woman and i want to rip my ears off whenever i hear people referring to her as a "feminist." if the republicans could air bill clinton's dirty laundry in the 90's, why can't the democrats wave around sarah palin's stained panties? fucking step it up a notch and beat this woman down, plz. she is very close to being our next president. it should be an easy kill (cheated on husband? check. covered up a pregnancy? check. banned books? check. lied multiple times about the bridge to nowhere? check. thinks drilling for oil will actually solve our energy crisis? check. doesn't believe in dinosaurs? check check check.) the stupid democrats need to step their game up and play some hard ball. jesus christ, the republicans are giving them some easy slow pitches right over the plate and they can't even hit them out of the park. ay dios mio.

as usual, keith olbermann hits the nail right on the head. this video is awesome.

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